Subwoofer. Great one song. Not so great the next song.

I'm not a subwoofer guy. Played around with one in my primary system (Aerial Acoustics 7Bs, Proceed 250w amp, AR LS-16 tube preamp). Big B&W powered, not sure which. Didn't think it added anything. Ditched it.

Recently got a pair of Aerial Acoustic 6Ts for my secondary system. They have no place to be but right up against the wall. Maybe a foot out. Can't decide if they sound better with a sock in the rear facing bass port or not. Its a wash. Overall they sound pretty dang good though.

But, I played around with a JL Audio e110 sub. Pretty nice unit. Put the socks back in the bass ports.

On some songs the combo with the sub just sounds stellar. On others it sounds boomy and thumpy. My audiophile hang up is taught, clear, concise bass. I do not like boomy and thumpy at all. I can get up and turn the output on the sub down a little and it sounds okay again.

But I don't want to do that every time a different song comes on.

Now, on this sub you can change crossover frequencies, phase and also a polarity switch. I don't know _anything_ about that stuff. I've got it set on the more or less default settings in the manual. The only thing I've messed with is the polarity switch and for reasons I don't understand it sounds better on 180 than 0. I have not messed with the crossover frequency and phase dials.

Is there any chance that changing any of those settings would allow me to reach a sweet spot where I don't have to change settings on the sub frequently? I may or may not keep this sub. If I can't find that sweet spot I'll let it go as alone the 6Ts don't sound bad by any measure.


One possibility is that, because you haven’t done any PEQ, some frequencies are being reproduced at the (mostly) correct SPL while others are too loud and overwhelming. The e110 doesn’t have any PEQ functionality built-in so you’d need to add an outboard PEQ device.

Another possibility is that the e110 placement is bad, resulting in similar problems as above. Moving the subwoofer to a better location could help.

If the subwoofer sounds better (less boomy) with polarity 180, it could be that the 180 setting is actually incorrect and the crossover frequencies between your speakers and sub are (more) out-of-phase and therefore no longer overwhelming. Ideally, you would find the exact time delay where the speakers and sub sound waves reach your listening position at the same time by using the phase dial in conjunction with the polarity dial.

Also, in order to optimize the subwoofer integration, you should be connecting your pre-amp to the e110 inputs, and the e110 outputs to your speaker amp, which is then connected to the speakers. This ensures the e110’s crossover is applied.

But yes, in theory you should be able to find the correct settings for the e110 in order to integrate it properly with your speakers, also given good subwoofer placement. But doing so by ear will be time consuming and error-prone. Using software like Room EQ Wizard to take measurements to determine the approximately correct settings would be fastest.

Afterwards, adding in PEQ will reduce the amount of compromise you need to accept, but you can still get a good result without PEQ.
yes there is a great chance you can adjust the sub for good integration.  if your main speakers and sub are against the wall that is most likeky your biggest problem though.  your speakers neec at least two feet from the wall and sub at least 12 inches.  
Thanks guys. Excellent info. It sounds pretty complicated to get it just right and with the limitations on both speaker and sub placement within the room I will probably just forgo the sub.

(This set up is not my primary system and it is in a formal living room. Just the presence of 4' tall speakers was quite a concession by my wife.)

But as always, great info here on Audiogon. I continue to learn a lot.
Holly cow,

Turn the FEQ, all the way down, Counter Clock Wise.

Turn the Vol, to the 12  position, 1/2 way

Turn the Phase switch to 0. ZERO

Flip the phase switch to "0" phase, not 180.

Play the Boom songs

Turn the FEQ up until the boom starts, then turn it down just a bit.

Your close.. It's hard to get perfect, and you won't.
Place the sub closer to you, it will work better for YOU?

Why? Because it will.. The further from you, the more difficult the placement,  within 6-8 feet, between the mains, and forward of the mains, or closer to the seated position.

It's VERY simple, turn three knobs, one switch, then turn one Clock Wise, and back off a tad... Sound easy to me... Enjoy...
