High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

I picked up mine through The Music Room. Good price, about a year old. Looking forward to hearing it.
I rolled my own for about $40 each. Only made a dozen cuz fitting them in is not easy as stated. Overall my Inakustik PC made a much larger improvement.  Read the patent and went from there. Certainly can't sell them and have no intention of making any more than the ones I use. It was a fun project.
Hey GiantSalami,
                     How's it sounding now since added MC .05 Sig. ? 
Hey aseaman, I just sold the .05, and now have the 1.0 hooked up to my amp only, as I just purchased a Synergistic Research power cell for the rest of my system. That 0.5 is what got me going on the power upgrade and let me hear what it can do. I just love the sound that my system puts out now. Very detailed,clear and alive. I see me upgrading the 1.0, as I am a believer in the High Fidelity products. For now, I have to let the bank account recover.. : )
Wow, Sounds great. I saw that Rick had 3 MC .05s at B stock prices but never see a 1.0 at B stock price ? Wonder why, to expensive to let it go I guess. 
I'm wanting to upgrade my speakers, not sure when but have the desire. 
Happy Listening.