Separates to tube integrated

I have been on an audio hiatus for a few years, like 10+. I am seriously considering selling my separate amp and pre-amp for a tube integrated. I want to keep it simple and classic. I currently have a Classe CA-151 amp and Classe SSP-25 preamp (used to have a surround system which is why I have the SSP25). I don't do video anymore and no vinyl so a phono stage is not part of the decision. In my past systems I have owned some tubed Pre-amps from Conrad Johnson, Audible Illusions. I have always enjoyed the sound of tubes but never owned a tube amp. These days I want to keep it simple and straight forward, pure 2 channel audio, mostly CD's and a streamer of some sort in the near future. I am currently running the B&W CDM9NT speakers. Was looking at a tube integrated like either the Primaluna EVO 300 or Rogue Cronus Magnum. Again, no phono stage needed just an audio source or 2. Based on a lot of the customer reviews I have read I am leaning on the EVO 300. Do I stand to lose any by going to an integrated? I am guessing from what I have read I will actually be gaining. I am trying to find one in my area to listen to but with this whole virus thing its tough and nobody has one anywhere in my region. Thoughts?
Might want to take a look at Line Magnetic integrated amps, excellent build quality and very musical , especially if you do some tube rolling. I have the 518IA which is now called the 845IA . Here's a link to the LM line-up should you want to check them out
As an aside Tone Imports is the US Distributor (I am not affiliated other tan as a customer)
Consider a Rogue hybrid integrated amp like Sphinx or Pharoah with B&W.

Generation 3 Sphinx is out and getting some rave reviews.  
@avanti1960 you do have a point. I am happy with the Classe amp, drives the B&W's nicely. The preamp is something I bought when I had a surround system, so maybe just a nice tubed pre will give me the best of both worlds. The RP5 is a little out of my price range, but I will explore the tube preamp world. See, that is why I come here for suggestions. 
If the B&Ws are not long-term keepers I’d be hesitant to choose an amp now, especially if you like tubes.  Other speakers could open up a lot of other amp options for you.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.