yes, good transformers are important. but it's not like the transformers in the decware zen taboo were shoddy.
https://6moons.com/audioreviews/decware/taboo_2.htmlit was simply that they're set up at 4 ohms, and have unusually low input sensitivity. this should have been a red flag, and steve deckert could have been more forthright when i queried him about how they'd match w/my 14 ohm speakers. but in fact, it seems his answer will depend on who's asking the question, and what steve wants them to hear. i have emails from steve about this; when i told steve about my results, he said he knew why my set-up wasn't working (w/my high-gain preamp), and added:
The Taboo is ideally suited for 8 ohm speakers. It will do 4 ohm and 16 ohm, but would rather see 16 ohms then 4. I’m not sure how the 6 moons review got listed as lower is better. While that is true with many of our amps, it is not true with the Taboo."
i explained to him that srajan got those results w/the taboo working better on his 6 ohm vs 12 ohm zu's, and that steve told him it was to be expected. so, i asked him i'd love to hear why he thinks the taboo's didn't work in my set-up. i never heard back from him. ;~)
doug s.