Cartridge Opinions - Sorry

Yeah, another dumb "what's your opinion on these cartridges" thread. Back in the late 80's we had dealers where you could listen to the stuff.

So anyhow I have a Linn LP12 with Ittok arm and a 30 year old Audioquest B200L cartridge. I'm running it through the phono stage of a Jeff Rowland Coherence One into a Spectral DMA90 through a set of Kef R300's.

I prefer a little more laid back sound (err on the side of forgiving instead of fatiguing) but I like a lot of upper end detail, precise soundstaging, air, etc.

So far I'm considering an Ortofon Quintet S Black, Hana SL or a Benz wood - something at or below the $1k level.

I'd love to hear any opinions, suggestions, and experiences with those cartridges or others in the price range. I could possibly go higher if there is something out there that really shines for less than $1,500.


IIRC, your old Audioquest B200L is a low output cartridge.  If $1500 is your cap, there are a lot of good performing carts from Ortofon and Audiotechnica.  The AT-OC9/II or /III will perform nicely in your arm cart combo.  Stepping up, the AT ART9 may provide you with a very good listening experience.  The Hana SL is also a good cart, but not in the same league as the AT's.

Don't expect the Rowland phono section to be able to keep up with the modern phono stage offerings.  But it is, in itself, a little laid back.

I wouldn’t throw out that Shure V15VxMR cartridge with the Jico SAS stylus/boron shaft just yet.

Put it away while you’re using the AT33PTG/2 Dual Moving Coil Cartridge and every once in awhile you’ll notice a NOS Shure VN5xMR stylus come up for sale for very reasonable pricing and that (is the) original (replacement) stylus made for the Shure V15VxMR cartridge and will make it sing to a whole different level than the Jico SAS.

That’s also something I’ve learned from @chakster is to use an original NOS stylus, if you can get it for your vintage cartridge of choice.


somehow you got my post mixed up with @klooker.

No way am I parting with my Shure, OEM Stylus: I’m still mad at beryllium’s prevalence to shatter from a strong breeze, and there are some who prefer SAS shape to ML, I only have my long ago memory. New OEM Stylus will not improve the cartridge’s separation, my primary reason for preference of the new AT33PTG/II. Super Tracking is not an issue for me.

Shure is upstairs now, awaiting a contest with my AT440ml (OEM unworn ml stylus). TT: Vertical Linear Tracking Mitsubishi LT-5V. No anti-skate is involved, and Shure brush will not be used.

Downstairs, main system, I used the Shure with OEM stylus over the AT primarily due to Shure’s brush helping with my springy floors, especially prior location, not an issue now.

Specs give an indication, and side 2, tracks 2 and 3, 3 guitarists playing together/apart will be revealing.

These tracks will help you make final anti-skate adjustments,

The greater separation is definitely revealed by those 2 tracks, then I move to other test tracks, Cassandra Wilson’s voice Blue Light Till Dawn, Richard Burton’s voice War of the Worlds, Barbra Streisand/Donna Summers duet Enough is Enough, full orchestra, Cello ...

My Office system is a perfect equilateral triangle, the differences should be apparent, the old AT specs also indicate greater separation and tighter channel balance than the Shure, Much higher signal output)

it’s hard to separate expected differences from ... but for imaging, various size Jazz trios, combos, mid, large bands, Imaging is a real asset for involvement, the key for enjoyment for me.

We have seen/heard the Hot Sardines live 3 times, and the new cartridge was splendid yesterday playing this double LP. Donna was present for the Joe’s Pub performance on one of the 2 LPs

Dear @luisma31 : As I already told you you just don't understand about and that's why you posted a wrong question because loading of a cartridge is not because its output level but because its internal electric characteristics and the phono stage ones.

It does not matters who whom addresses your question.  Your knowledge levels are extremely low.

I don't care if you are friend of him that does not changes your wrong question and your comment " all the rigth answers " where exist no answer in the post.
