Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years

So I have an XA-25 and its outstanding. I’ve tested the XA60.8 mono’s and there was not enough difference to move to them; no jaw dropping moments. Don’t get me wrong they were fantastic, but so is the XA25. Looking at the 350.8 or 250.8, etc.... even in comparison the Integrated INT-250... If you love it; want to explain what you like and why? I’m wondering what others are thinking... 
My set up: Wilson Sophia II’s, XA-25, Pass Labs XP-22 pre, Merging+NADAC. 
With respect to the treble on 0.8 X series amps. Do you guys find there is a good amount of air, detail, shimmer/sparkle in the treble? Or is it a bit rolled compared to other more neutral amps (ie. bryston, boulder)?
250.8 and XP22.

Demo'd a 250.5 for a short while, though not with a pass pre-amp.

Had the XP12 and 250.8 for a good 2.5 years, but then upgraded to the XP22.  XP12 and 250.8 were very good, the XP22 took things to great, and there was a pretty clear difference.  

I had the XP12 and 250.8 combo on a pair of DynAudio Contour 60's, Klipsch Epic CF4's (with a few upgrades), Ohm Walsh 5000's, and Salk SS12's (current speakers that I absolutely love).  I've had other speakers here on demo's.  It's very rare that the XP12 and 250.8 wasn't a nice combo.

Now the XP22 I've heard on the Walsh 5000's, Salk SS12's, Salk Song 3 encore's (friends), martin Logans (Friends), and a couple other demo's.

It's a great combo.  Great Midrange, excellent bass, and all the highs (without crazy brightness).  I did have a nice Levinson here for a while, and it may have had a shade more detail on the top end, but with a little more harshness in the mids.  I felt the Levinson might have been 10% or so tighter in the low end, but with not nearly the oomph.

I talked to a couple people with pass labs amps and they both felt the XA series is 'far superior' to the X series. For those of you who have compared, is this the case? I guess it depends on how demanding the speakers are but apparently the XA series has components and designs that are closer to the XS series and thus is a better performer.

Talking to pass about this they mentioned the X series may have a bit more bass control and more dynamics especially with harder to drive speakers where the XA series might have a more organic midrange and more detail.
I am the original owner of a Threshold 4000, and had it "updated" and recapped a while back by John Soderberg.  Still sounds great when being fed by a Herron Phono/LTA MicroZotl front end.  I would be interested to hear if any of you Pass-aficionados have any experience in comparing the 4000 with recent Pass amps?
I am a bit confused as to why some people believe the xa is better when often times the x series does not even leave class A to drive the speakers.

assuming the needle on your x series does not move much let alone go past noon position then you are in class A if I understand my conversation with kent english at pass correctly,

so if your speakers dont push the amp out of class A then essentially the x series is class A like the xa series.

my 260.8 monoblocks have 33 watts of class A and with my 40.2 harbeth speaker does not leave Class A (which is surprising given face that harbeth like power and I play relatively loud)

I was initially inclined to get xa60.8 monoblocks but was advised that the bigger harbeth were recommended by the distributor usa for harbeth to pair better with x series.

Has anyone heard the xa60.8 and 260.8 in same system and heard a difference? I can imagine in a big room or with speakers that are very demanding