In any case its poppycock- or is it? Gravity is a function of mass and so dense magma moving around beneath the crust does indeed affect local gravity. Gravity is what pulls the stylus down into the groove. The stylus being pulled down into the groove is what creates drag. Drag is what affects anti-skate. Therefore logically magma affects anti-skate. Its just a fact. You could look it up.
Its also a joke. A great big joke. Because while yes indeed all this is true, it also pales in significance to all the other things we can make so much of that turn out in the end to be insignificant. Which was my whole point. This whole thing is like arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Miller: "There should also be changes as the Earth turn's on it's axis and magma shifts affect local gravity". So the amount of anti-skate adjustment would be dependant upon the turntable's placement orientation in regard to the direction the Earth is spinning?No. The clue is in the phrase, "magma shifts affect local gravity." That is a clue to this being a question of gravity not spin. If it was spin then I would have said, "magma shifts affect Earth's spin velocity" or something like that. Gravity. Spin. Two different things.
In any case its poppycock- or is it? Gravity is a function of mass and so dense magma moving around beneath the crust does indeed affect local gravity. Gravity is what pulls the stylus down into the groove. The stylus being pulled down into the groove is what creates drag. Drag is what affects anti-skate. Therefore logically magma affects anti-skate. Its just a fact. You could look it up.
Its also a joke. A great big joke. Because while yes indeed all this is true, it also pales in significance to all the other things we can make so much of that turn out in the end to be insignificant. Which was my whole point. This whole thing is like arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.