Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?

Believe our addictive hobby is primarily male dominated. The technical aspects seem to appeal more to men. Or is that in and of itself sexist. There are now a few knowledgeable and astute women reviewers. I am always intrigued by the comments off the few women who identify themselves by name on the Forum. One in particular is quite long winded. I'm sure this has nothing to do with her sex. Although he/she has a name which could be male or female. I always love it when my wife comes to look at the record sleeve of the vinyl playing and rely on her opinion of the fidelity. Not to mention desire and count on her approval of new purchases. But is she also addicted? I don't think so. Does that have anything to do with being a woman. I don't think so. Does she care about the fine nuances? She says not. I would love to hear from women and anyone on this. WAF? I care a lot what things look like. HAF?

glubson: "It is not speakers, it is you they have strong feelings about" I appreciate your perceptive comment. Although and more precisely, it is my CHOOSING of such speakers that is the concern. Thank you again. 😄
Is WAF sexist? 

Only if you're trying (too hard) to be politically correct.
Significant Other Approval Factor...SOAF

SO....about as neutral as one could hope for...mho...

Beautiful vs.ugly remains in the minds’ eye of the beholder. And is applied to nearly Everything, an in every conceivable way.

My 2 cents....and, given inflation and the current state of the economies of our common planet...

...worth nil. :l

Off course it is sexist. Every difference between people can have a positive or negative connotation (all in the eye of the beholder). I like being a sexist between the sheets. 😜 But for audio... I don’t care and the stereo doesn’t care either.

It can be a good thing. My spouse has a better ear for harshness and she has a deeper understanding of value/cost. So WAF is a good thing in my opinion.

Is there a MAF/TAF/GAF/LAF factor in audio btw (to be inclusive)? Like a Male Acceptance Factor? (only accepting ugly equipment, it must have a macho look with a lot of blinking leds, it must be big, bold, and impressive etc...) Or are we just happy nerds that need to be convinced with a good technobabble story to appreciate something.