The best "imaging" speakers?

Which speakers gave you the most "you are there" experience?
Back in the 90's went to my neighbor hood audiophile store in New Haven, CT. The store rep said to my wife and I come and here this. This was the Duntech Sovereign massive speakers, Audio Research Mono-Block amps(maybe 150watts each) and Accuphase CD player. The rep played various CDs to provide a sense of what is possible. The imaging was truly holographic and life size. You could "see" the precise placement of the drum set and actually hear the felt on the hammer hitting the bass drum. CD of Whitney Houston you could swear she was in front you at least five foot tall. And the 16Hz tone of the organ you cannot hear but you can feel it as the Duntechs produced all the vibration. Amazing system I'll always remember. 
A friend of mine just got some new Acora Acoustics SRB stand mount speakers and these speakers have the best imaging I have ever heard! These speakers just come on the market and they are made from Granite. These speakers sound so realistic..more so than any I have ever heard! They cost $20K with their Granite speaker stands. I'm going to wait to hear the bigger Acora Acoustics SRC-1's before buying! Once you hear these speakers your never want to go back!
Had several uber expensive pairs of speakers over the years but my JBL 4429 old fashioned box speakers throw an exceptionally large, deep and 3 dimensional soundstage that throbs with dynamics!  My Wilson’s and Dynaudio’s sounded confused in comparison.