New Turntable Direction

It's been a long time since I sought the opinions of the community.  I have been a happy Linnie for 20+ years stopping after upgrades with the Ekos, Cirkus, Lingo, and suspension.  I still have my Shelter 90X.  A recent upgrade inquiry resulted in approximately 6K investment in my table and this just doesn't seem to make sense considering it's age.  I have considered investing the 6K in a new table and staring all over.  I have initially looked at Oracle, VPI, and Basis in part because they have been around for as long as I have been doing this.  For what it is worth my phono stage is still a Rhea.  So what do you think new table or another Linn upgrade and if new table what brand?  As always I appreciate your feedback.
Former LP12 Valhalla owner here. I now have 2 refurbished Garrard 401s with 12" Jelco 850L. One is modified, the other mostly original. See my profile for photos. While the LP12 does tiny detail very well, it loses out in every other category like PRAT -so no need to worry on that score.
There is some work involved in getting a vintage table sorted but lots of folks will help you on the journey.
If I was looking for an out of the box table without the worry of se-up, I would get a Technics 1200G or a George Merrill REAL.
+1 for the Rega Planar 10.  I will add, place it on a high-quality platform such as a Symposium Acoustics Segue ISO.  What an excellent combination.  Only my opinion, of course. 
I'm very surprised by the retro leaning responses.

The others must be preoccupied, really.