Album Filing System

I am debating, with myself, how I should file my albums. I am considering filing all albums alphabetically by artist or separate the audiophile LP's from the general LP's. Example, as my largest audiophile label is MFSL I would separate them from the Analogue Productions, Chesky's, Classic Records, ORG, Speakers Corner etc. and than file the general LP's alphabetically. Also I would have a separate section for mono.
My thinking is if I file all alphabetically I may listen to more of the general LP's.
Any thoughts without going all "High Fidelity" on me!!
Exactly as I have done it.

One shelf for mono.
One shelf for MFSL
The rest is alphabetical order.

And ALL are catalogued via disccogs which I have found to be essential to avoid duplicate copies when record shopping.
No fair. You cannot ask such a nerdy question and at the same time rule out the quintessential nerdy answer!
Trying to focus on the music rather than the recording, I file by musical genre, then alphabetical by artist within genres, and generally chronologically within each artist.  At least in theory -- I probably bat about 90% in following my own system.
Happy listening.