Stuck: 20-bit/96kHz or 24-bit/96kHz DAC?

I'm a new audiophile so I don't pretend to know all the issues with regard to formats, but here's the rub:

I want to get the best sounding *used* CD player I can afford. Some years ago, the CAL CL-20 was a highly reviewed CD player, and it has my interest. I'd like to compare it's sound to a Toshiba SD-9200. I've heard the latter, and forgetting all about DVD-A and the player's usability faults, it makes an ordinary CD sound marvelous.

The CAL unit, like other older units, has a 20/96 DAC. The DAC in the Toshiba plays up to 24/192 for DVD-A. Assuming for the moment that the choice is between 20/96 (the CAL) and 24/96 (whatever else), how much sound performance am I giving up if I go with the 20/96?

I suppose what is really bothering me is something like the frustration I feel when my computer components become dated. Sure, they worked fine in the day, but now there's better to be had. I haven't yet auditioned 20/96 and likely won't be able to A/B test with a 24/96. The main point: if I go with a 20/96, am I buying something that I'll toss in a few years for playing red book CD audio?
I'm going to continue to track the Ah! and the Quad. However, I usually prefer to buy from Echo Audio (, my local used hifi vendor. Are there any worthy contenders in their list of digital components? I'm trying to stay under $500 total, though I may not be able to and will entertain something upward of $1000 if necessary. Here's the current list:

Krell KAV-250cd Cd player ($2500) - $925
Pioneer CLD-99 Elite CD/LD player ($2400) - $595
G&D UCD-1 Cd player ($1500) - $695
Music Hall Maverick SACD/ upsampling Cd player ($1500) - $825
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 Cd player w/vol control ($6200) - $2995
Yamaha CX-1 5-disc DVD/SACD player ($1299) - $575
Rega Jupiter 2000 Cd player- $895
Music Hall MMF CD-25.2, new ($600) - $495*
Sony SCD-CE775, 5-disc SACD/CD player ($399) - $185
Counterpoint DA-11.5 Transport ($1895) - $475
Monarchy DT-40A Universal transport/CD player ($1450) - $375
Cal Audio Delta Transport - $250
HHB CDR-800 CD Pro CD burner w/remote ($1000) - $550

The Krell holds some appeal because the Kav-300i is at the center of my system, and the remote will control the CD player I think.
ONE obvious choice on yr list is the Aero -- but its price is well beyond your stated budget.

Help us out! What are the other components that you will be using in your audio system? Will it be a 2-channel music system or a multi-channel combination music/Home Theater system?

If you don't plan to use the player for DVD playback or multi-channel music, I would suggest a dedicated CD player as they generally load the disk faster and don't have any usability problems.



Someday I would like to move to DVD-A or SACD capble players, but I've decided that the formats haven't settled down yet and therefore will an ordinary CD player is all I'm looking for (unless the player also happens to be DVD-A or SACD). I would like my player to be HDCD capable, however. All I'm looking for is 2-channel playback.

The other components in my system are:

Krell KAV-300i
Thiel CS2s
Oh, yes. I forgot. I'm also using a Squeezebox2 in my system, which really perhaps argues that at most what I need is the best DAC I can get for under $1000. I may start a second thread on this.