SR Blue Fuses

I just wanted to share my excitement with my SR Blue Fuses. I installed 3 in my Anthem I225. Its been probably 100 hours of burn in time now and I really am beside myself in the difference. The bass is really full, my highs are nicely extended and my soundstage is huge. Just today, my soundstage became ridiculous.
If you are happy with your current amplifier / preamplifier and intend on keeping it for awhile I highly recommend replacing the fuses with SR Blue fuses, if not the Orange fuses. I got my Blues for 30% off. It is quite possibly the best tweak I have done aside from room treatments.

It takes awhile to burn the fuses in but once they are, it’s pretty awesome the difference they make. I was pretty skeptical about this mod and thought it was a lot to spend but now that I have, it was the best $400 mod I have done. It made more of a difference than my upgraded power cords and actually probably made a more of a difference than going from my signal cable silver res speaker cables to my ap solo crystals.

Highly recommended if you already love your amp/preamp and intend to keep them for awhile!
Thanks MC, that's what I'm looking for.

There is stuff I just don't argue with. I try it, and listen. If there is that much of an improvement, I'll give it a shot. I have an amp or two that are prone to pop a fuse every now and then.  I'm a tight ass, no doubt, I need to use one less prone to popping fuses. :-)

Of course my current, shining star, was acting up a bit, blowing fuses. I think I got it calmed down, filter caps were bad. . If  it will hold a fuse for 3 months I'd give it a shot. Month 2 right now.. running 20% cooler. We'll see after that.

Maybe a pair of class D, with the fuse, bypassed, a pair with stock fuses and a pair with SR fuses. Those thing NEVER blow fuses. I suppose there is a break in time, and are direction prone. 
I'll check it out.


@ millercarbon OK Boomer.

what this shows is you have zero taste. artisanal mezcal is the next wave of high end spirit after whiskey. do some research.
+1 @nitewulf  On mezcal.  For @millercarbon to exclaim "There is no good mezcal" is perhaps the most spirit-ignorant comment ever uttered in history.  Mezcal is so complex and made using much more labor intensive techniques that require time in pits or even underground creating crazy molds within the agave.  Quaff a glass of Del Maguey Tobala Mezcal and you will be in gorgeously smokey and sweet mezcal heaven.  It may even make a fuse sound good!
Lol! Artisanal mezcal. The four Mexican exchange students who lived with me, I will have to tell them. If ever I see them again. They would get a good laugh out of it for sure.