... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...

Hello to all...

I was shifting around components in my system, trying to squeeze out better controlled bass, more definition within the soundstage, and better define the "voice/midrange" presentation...

I presently have a tube preamp (hardwired with a wall wart) into an HT Receiver; source is a Marantz SA-8001 CD Player

Swapped out a Yamaha HTR -5550 (hardwired) for a Parasound HCA-750A (which needs a power cord).

CD Player is powered with a PS Audio Statement SC power cord, so I went in my closet and pulled out another PS AUDIO Statement SC power cord, hooked it up and expect to give it at least 5 days continuous re-break-in before serious listening.

Took a minute to lookup reviews about this power cord - and I read some rather confusing reviews: some luved 'um, some liked 'um, but some thought them " ...slow... " (?), and giving a veiled presentation...

I'm gonna listen and decide myself - but I'm abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound - I know that interconnects and speaker cables would/could/Do affect sound presentation - but how could a power cord?

Explanation/thoughts please...
It really does not matter why...just try different cords and cables.  They will all sound somewhat different.  You decide which is best for you!
Mr. madcow
How much filtering can a cord provide?
If a power filter is required (and it does!) buy a power filter.
It cost 1/5 of one of those fancy power cords, but filters much more than 5x a cable.
More than that. If you call the issue by it's name: Filtering, than plese be kind to provide some Spec.:
How many dB it filters and in what spectrum?
than we could all compare apples to apples and get a good apple.

Mr. dave_b
No answer, could be of more ignorance. 
How many cables do I need to try?
How many $ do I need to spend?
This is the lowest argument of audiophiles. 

FYI, I’ve been comparing Anticables to my looms of very expensive MIT and Transparent stuff.  The Anticables speaker cables are stunningly good.  Transparent Gen 5 IC’s seem to deliver best source transfer and my MIT Magnum Digital cable is unbeatable for my BluOS Vault!  Their PC however is a tremendous bargain.
>Measurements do not tell the whole story. Play A note with a cheap >violin the meter will show 440Hz. Play the same note with a Stradivarius >the same meter will also show 440Hz.
>Verdict? Trust you ears.

The dominant frequency of both will be 440hz but the spectrum of frequencies will be totally different and absolutely measureable.