Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!

I seriously doubt that this will make any difference to the naysayers. But here it is.
Most people dont know how to isolate and controls vibrations, they dont know how the high noise of their electrical grid pollute their sound, and finally their acoustical passive controls room are minimals if they exist at all, and their active acoustical controls nil; and guess what they buy costly cables for "upgrading" their audio system....

Not only that but "scientists" comes here to prove to us that cables dont makes any difference, and some consumers vouch for their "own" miraculous cable choice....

Amid all this nobody think about the essentials....

Only 2 camps argue, the snake oil hunters and the faithfull customers of some brand.....

What a world!


« The only cable that matters connect you and me»-Groucho Marx
This was a really good explanation.  However, how much would a good speaker cable and interconnects cost?  
The only explanation I saw was twisted wire shields RF. You could take the cheap wire he used and braid it and it wouldn't be such a great antenna anymore. 
You are absolutely made no difference.
I expected a bit more from somebody with a globe of the earth in the shape of a square cube.

However, I do like their tube connector concept and I like that they use solid core copper wire and copper connectors.