Computer Guru's, Does my external Hard Drive go to sleep if its still blinking?

I  now own a Lumin X1 streamer/dac.
I have a 8TB Hard Drive connected to it. The Lumin is set to go to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity.
But, though the Lumin appears to go to sleep the external hard drive continues to blink.

Does this mean the hard drive never goes to sleep? Or should I manually shut down the hard drive when not is use?

Can you "feel" the vibrations between when you know it’s running and when you think it’s off?
You could use a makeshift stethoscope from tubing... or get one of these or even cheaper.

Thank you. I thought about a raid system. But I like just being able to plug the hard drive in to the back of the Lumin. Just simple and easy, to this computer challenged old man.


You know while the Lumin is running I can feel vibrations in the hard drive. I actually placed some f-Q2 under it.

I'm going to check if the hard drive still vibrates when the Lumin is in sleep mode. Good idea!
If it doesn't, does that mean what nekopaudio stated that it may just be indicating it is receiving power?

Ok, when the Lumin went into sleep mode the hard drive was not vibrating.
So, does that mean it is ok to leave the hard drive connected full time?
