Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!

I seriously doubt that this will make any difference to the naysayers. But here it is.
I have no idea if I could hear a difference between a $1K amp and $10K amp until I heard them in a blind test. I trust my ears but not my eyes.
@glupson, sorry about the link. It was to Transparent's $65,000 speaker cables.

@speedbump6, so you're saying that people who are into cables believe that $65,000 cables will make a significant difference over $10,000 cables and that the _ONLY_ reason they don't own $65,000 cables is simply because they can't afford them? Where is the logic in that?

Regardless, that axiom does not apply to me anyway. I've got $2000 worth of cables sitting in a pile and my speakers on generic 12ga homemades because I can't hear a difference and the big cables are ugly and hard to deal with. And $1500 worth of power 'filtering' equipment shipping out to an eBay buyer because it made no difference whatever to the SQ of my system.

I'm 57. My hearing isn't perfect. But I'm not deaf either. And I know what I like and for the most part how to get it.

And the car analogy isn't applicable really. If I need to haul my track car around on a trailer I drive my pick-up. When I get to the track I drive my track car. When I go on a trip we take my wife's nice manual transmission GT coupe. Apples and oranges. A Camry does a lot of things a Lambo can't and will probably do them a lot longer too.

So no need to pretend that you or anyone else has cornered the market on logic just because cables are important to you or that those of us who just don't get that experience are somehow bereft of logic. Because, well, that's not logical.


Check the Marzal out. It is not just another lowly Lamborghini. Mine was yellowish, but now I see that the real one was silverish. Mine was Matchbox. The real one is The One. Check it on youtube.