PS Audio Powerplant P10 power cable??

Hey all,
I just picked up a used PS Audio Powerplant as my first big-boy power conditioner. I tried the Niagra 1200. Was a quite nice unit. But I just needed more outlets centrally located so I snagged the PS P10 unit. 

Just curious if there are those out there with personal experience concerning power cords and this P10. 

Any power cord recommendations that seem to have good synergy either going into, or from the p10?
Ideally something without a stratospheric price tag.  


That Shunyata Sigma looks quite nice indeed. Dare I say for that price, I'd expect excellent results.  

Now I didnt even think about swapping out the fuse. Cool idea. I presume you are talking a main fuse? It just landed today and I haven't really wrapped my head around the details of the device just yet. 

What fuse did you end up using? I think I have the blue in my Direcstream DAC. 
Long while back, think it was still the Red series back then.. How are you liking the Direcstream DAC—what powercord on them?
I love the Directstream DAC. I tried a Mytek Dac as my first foray into digital music and it was great. But almost immediately decided to take a bigger jump to a DAC that would keep my upgrade itch at bay for a much longer time. 

Been very very happy with it. 

Unfortunately I don't have anything too fancy as far as power cords connecting the DAC or the P10. I have some leftover cables from Single Cable connected to the DAC and the P10. 

I'm currently thinking about building my own out of Duelund 12awg DCA12GA600V and some quality connectors. 

I've been following a couple power cord threads and it seems like a reasonable option for anyone with some degree of electromechanical ability.