Explain what is a clean power amplifier?

Can someone explain what makes and define what a clean power amplifier is or does?  I have googled and searched the forum and haven't found a simple explanation to grasp. 

mahgister3,019 posts07-29-2020 6:05pmNo amplifier is cleaner than the electrical grid where it is embed... Even the cleaner amp in the world will be polluted by the noise of the electrical grid of our house....

Then not only it is important to have a clean amplifier but way more important to clean the other part of the system and decrease the noise floor of the house....

Clean is then not enough "clean"..... :)


Here is the thing, some folks, do have a few extra quid. I worked my whole life. I worked HARD, I worked long hours, I saved, scremped, and did without for 45 years.

I had saved a few stereo, parts (My Mac Gear). Made quite a few speakers, through the years, and planed 38 years ago when I did my house remodel, what rooms were going to be for sound.

I have a general idea of your concepts. I agree with them wholeheartedly.

I also want to add, good, Better and BEST. I agree it doesn’t take the best of all thing, to build a GREAT sounding system. A lot of good can surely work out to Better, but the BEST, it takes better part to start with. It took a lot of the guesswork out my journey.

Here is a great example. Mac gear. WHY are the power cords, fixed in place, and have really small conductors with a copper plug. ALL their old stuff has it, and it works really well. WHY?
90-115 VAC really dirty, low voltage, all the bad things you could have.

That Mac will sound GOOD. 3/4 of the stuff that has to be done with a lesser piece of equipment to bring it up to, that standard, cost way more than the Mac did to begin with.

While I appreciate YOUR system for you, I don't have the same situation, or limitations, for me.. I did however build a "low dollar" system a few months back.  It is a good system, but it will never EVER sound as good as my main system. I don't care what I do to it.

You people are fooling yourselves in an effort to not spend money - your higher priority than actually attaining superior sound.- by promoting your belief that at best average gear will magically get you superior sound. You are completely clueless. You’re wasting your life fooling with poor methods that waste time and money. Never seen such arrogance over nonsense. You will NOT ha e anything close to SOTA, no matter how much you boast. ONLY superior systems make superior sound. Tweaking is a loser’s game, for those who have resistance to spending money but want to pretend they are doing the same as those who actually go out and get premium sound.

Simply because you work like a dog to tweak systems, you figure you are making amazing headway, catapulting the sound WAY up there. Not so. You are messing around in a small, yes small, slice of the performance spectrum and are not even touching the upper end. You typically do not qualify your posts, but boast about getting sound that can't be improved, is exemplary, etc. It's ridiculous.  :(
You will NOT ha e anything close to SOTA, no matter how much you boast. ONLY superior systems make superior sound. Tweaking is a loser’s game,
You are not completely wrong, nobody can make a Ferrari with a Volkswagen...

But automobile metaphors reach immediately here their limitations...

Audio system are constituted by 2 aspects, FIRST the high quality engineering design, and we must pay for that or choose vintage very good product; and SECOND the way to embed this design...

A bunch of tweaks is not a method....You are right....

But a method exist to embed any audio system rightfully....THIS IS THE KEY TO AUDIO,not giving money to company...

A relatively good design can give you Hi-Fi experience without investing money...This is the first step...

I have it....

Investing too much is a looser game....

Thinking, reading, experimenting with your EARS gives you not the best in the world without money but a reasonnably more than good audio system...

I know that first hand...

Sorry for those who think that we all are damned without money or without specialist to create it for us...

My audio system is made of vintage very good electronic parts and i dont think that one of the best amplifier in the world in 1978 is now trash compare to those actual design.... Same thing for speakers....

I dont sell anything, and i dont boast, my system is some Hi-Fi for peanuts....The price to pay was to embed it rightfully, mechanically,electrically,and acoustically especially....This systematic experiments in embeddings are a method not a bunch of costly tweaks...

I dont claim that my system is on par with very costly one i claim that it is not so far behind that what you suggest...

Money can afford Hi-Fi partly but we need a brain and some works to go there...

My post is for those who will read this thread and will think after reading you that they cannot make it by themselves except by giving mass of money, this is false, totally false, except for marketers or sellers; anybody can create his own heaven at low cost...Not the best there is for sure but a good one.... The rest is true boasting,... I dont boast, i motivate others people about their own creativity.... I sell nothing except that and at no cost.... Be free and create....
Mahgister, you typically make claims that spending more money without doing your "embeddings" is a waste. That's wrong, completely wrong. You are not making major progress by tweaking out your room. Even a very inexpensive speaker, one costing not much more than what you have now, with a different driver configuration, one that doesn't have to be put on a desk, would transform your sound utterly, completely. You would be in an entirely different place in the spectrum of performance. You could clear out every one of your "embeddings", put in a better speaker, and the sound quality would soar far above what it is now. 

Tweakers think they are moving at light speed toward the upper end, when in fact they are inching along. It's pretty sad. I used to be a Chintziphile, so I know all about pretending you have oh, so close to premium sound on the cheap. 

Go ahead, dismiss my comments as though I have something to sell. I'm not paid to write, and I have put in a lot more of my own money into audio than I ever dreamed I would. The reason? I actually got to handle the gear that showed how wrong I was. If not for that I would still be in the camp of people thinking that you can get the same result on the cheap. 

Simply because you work like a dog to tweak systems, you figure you are making amazing headway, catapulting the sound WAY up there. Not so. You are messing around in a small, yes small, slice of the performance spectrum and are not even touching the upper end. You typically do not qualify your posts, but boast about getting sound that can't be improved, is exemplary, etc. It's ridiculous.  :(
How can you know what i listen to?

You are very affected by the possibility for people to afford at low cost their own heaven, why?

Are you a seller?

Do you think that you are the only  one who knows how to push some audio system near his optimal sound?

There is many different audio system at different prices, none are on the same level than the others.... Price is related yes in some way to quality....

But my friend any system at any price has his own optimal potential that is not there ready made out of the box.... We must EMBED mechanically, electrically, and acoustically ANY system, whatever his price....

This is my 3 embeddings method, not a bunch of tweaks by some fool that delude himself...

My concept is clear for anyone to understand, NO audio system is ready to play at his potential without controlling his resonance and vibrations, without  decreasing the electrical noise floor of the system and of the house, without controlling passively with some materials and actively with some device the room's acoustic... These are my 3 embeddings method for all to do....

What you dont like is the fact that applying that is also possible at low cost  with homemade materials or low cost one...

 Why ? Why ranting about this good news?