Jazz vocalists recorded wonderfully

Just arrived today, Jacintha/Lush Life a  2001 release, Specifically jazzy slow blues, 
All star back up artists, with all piano and string arraingments by  the incredibly gifted, creative Bill Cunliffe, Stunning arraignments,  Guitarist Anthony Wilson, another super star, Accordion work on a  few tracks from Frankie Marocco, 
Super Star band.
So after listening first time, all tracks have the same blues-jazzy ambience. You might think, , maybe a  change up on a  few tracks would have added some spices, 
Not really, Not a dull track on the cd. 
Following up my previous topic, , which jazz vocalists do you feel, actually work just fine, if not perfect, in spite of any studio tinkerings. 
My vote has to go with Jacintha's Lush Life. 
How much tinkering is added, is not at all important, Jacintha set out to create a  lush dreamy atmposphere, and she has acomplished the task with  wonderful success. 
Its dreamy lushness. 
Here, one never gives any thoughts about how her voice <<might be>> modded
, as she sounds just so natural  in these soft , delicate, <no rush> melodies.
This is a  2001 record, same  years as Diana Krall's releases, and Lush Life also has that warm recorded studio sound. But not nearly as warmed over as noted in Diana Krall's work.
Other artists that you consider a  natural, and not  touched up with excess.

Geniuses know no borders....
My collection is classical, but not much pre 1900.
You might like the super high genius (equal to Einstein as  far as music, spiritual ideas go) of Alfred Schnittke. I have all his music,
Also note Elliott Carter, Allan Pettersson(love all his syms minus 2 and 16),  and how could i forget the super genius of Hans HENZE, have all his  music, Astonishing. 
Then i will vouch for my own Gods : Scriabin and Sorabji... But anyway all geniuses are brothers, only idiots hate....

Try Ostad Elahi on the tanbur.... the greatest master of string instrument i ever listen to....Yehudi Menuhin speak of him like the greatest musical experience in his life.... You will look for it freely on the internet....
Then i will vouch for my own Gods : Scriabin and Sorabji... But anyway all geniuses are brothers, only idiots hate....

Might be brothers as far as musical understanding goes,
But I do in fact hate quite a  few of the romantic composers, #1 hate goes to all Ludwig Von Beethoven. I hate hiis muisc more than anyone who ever lived.  More than Debussy and Ravel hated Beethoven's music...
 That hate extends to all his  students as well, Brahms, Shumann, Scubert, Dvorak etc etc, Yes I can hear the greatness in Brahms,, , I can appreciate Brahms,but I own no cds, and have no interest ever listening to anything Brahms. So yeah I hate his muisc as well, 
Mahler/Bruckner, hate the muisc from those 2 genius composers. I really hate Mahler's muisc, Bruckner I can barely stand, but not represented in my now closed cd collection. 
Chopin I have zero interest, 
 I have Scriabin's piano muisc, who needs the outdated Chopin salon muisc??
,I only recently  awoke to his piano muisc just some years ago, Safronitsky please on piano, Really nice   neo romantic works, His orchestral,  not interested. Do not care for his orchestral. 
Just heard a  bit of Ostad Elahi, I much perfer Ravi Shankar.

Listening to Sorabji now as i type, Sonata 1.
Its OK, but at times gets on my nerves.

I much perfer Szymanowski, I love all works from Szymanowski, another late discovery, in fact my last and final search for the great composers. 
No Sorabji does not work for me. 
Music is like philosophical systems...

They are loved or hated by some....

But the history of philosophy and the history of music is an history of consciousness...A land to explore not arbitrary borders to hate...Why Josquin Des Prez and Hildegard of Bingen? Why Shostakovitch exist and Stravinsky? What are the mysteries revealed by their own creations?

I dont listen music only like some dish to taste with my mouth and toungue, i change my own consciousness in listening experiments....

I wish you the best with your love and your hating choices, myself i am in the business of discovery and understanding, nevermind my preferences and tastes...I keep my past tastes on leash but i create my new habits, it is called education...

« Crocodiles also have tastes, only humans have consciousness» -Groucho Marx