Jazz vocalists recorded wonderfully

Just arrived today, Jacintha/Lush Life a  2001 release, Specifically jazzy slow blues, 
All star back up artists, with all piano and string arraingments by  the incredibly gifted, creative Bill Cunliffe, Stunning arraignments,  Guitarist Anthony Wilson, another super star, Accordion work on a  few tracks from Frankie Marocco, 
Super Star band.
So after listening first time, all tracks have the same blues-jazzy ambience. You might think, , maybe a  change up on a  few tracks would have added some spices, 
Not really, Not a dull track on the cd. 
Following up my previous topic, , which jazz vocalists do you feel, actually work just fine, if not perfect, in spite of any studio tinkerings. 
My vote has to go with Jacintha's Lush Life. 
How much tinkering is added, is not at all important, Jacintha set out to create a  lush dreamy atmposphere, and she has acomplished the task with  wonderful success. 
Its dreamy lushness. 
Here, one never gives any thoughts about how her voice <<might be>> modded
, as she sounds just so natural  in these soft , delicate, <no rush> melodies.
This is a  2001 record, same  years as Diana Krall's releases, and Lush Life also has that warm recorded studio sound. But not nearly as warmed over as noted in Diana Krall's work.
Other artists that you consider a  natural, and not  touched up with excess.

Judging a composer like Sorabji in few minutes with one opus , a composer who create monstruous numbers of heavy opus is ridiculous at worst and not serious at least.....

By the way if you think Scriabin is only a post romantic you miss the point.... It is like saying Schoenberg is only a post romantic....Totally wrong because only a half truth and half truths are worst than lies.....

 I cannot waste times to explain to your ready made hating/loving grid of choices called brain  something that exceed your possibility of experiencing.... In music like in philosophy or mathematics, experiencing is understanding...
Bruckner I can barely stand, but not represented in my now closed cd collection.
Only closed mind own "closed" cd collection....

Sorry for you....

half truths are worst than lies.....

Indeed, a full lie, one might easily detect,, half truths leaves one wondering = much worse.

I love all music from Schnoenberg, early neo romantic and  late atonal master works.
I say Scriabin is neo/post romantic, as his piano works are a  blend of early and a hint of future ideas.
I love hsi piano scores and took me by surprise,, I needed to mature to come around to his works. 
My choices are not sealed. 
At the start of my classical interest, I loved Sibelius,, now only his Kullervo and maybe his folk poems are what i can listen to. His syms, VC is now all gone from my collection,,, I havea  huge box of cds that i want to bring to tulane U Music Library, maybe Lenny can give me $2-$3 for each cd.
I am cleaning house of classical I have no more interest in. 
My 12-15 fav composers are now final, I will not add other composers to my collection. 
= Done deal, Mind shut and closed forever.
Boulez piano cd has to go. 
Stockhausen never made the cut, =  cd money i spent better elsewhere,, like complete Hans Henze. 
I am happy with my ohhh, 250-300 cd collection. 
about 50 cds are boxed ready to dump cheap.