half truths are worst than lies.....
Indeed, a full lie, one might easily detect,, half truths leaves one wondering = much worse.
I love all music from Schnoenberg, early neo romantic and late atonal master works.
I say Scriabin is neo/post romantic, as his piano works are a blend of early and a hint of future ideas.
I love hsi piano scores and took me by surprise,, I needed to mature to come around to his works.
My choices are not sealed.
At the start of my classical interest, I loved Sibelius,, now only his Kullervo and maybe his folk poems are what i can listen to. His syms, VC is now all gone from my collection,,, I havea huge box of cds that i want to bring to tulane U Music Library, maybe Lenny can give me $2-$3 for each cd.
I am cleaning house of classical I have no more interest in.
My 12-15 fav composers are now final, I will not add other composers to my collection.
= Done deal, Mind shut and closed forever.
Boulez piano cd has to go.
Stockhausen never made the cut, = cd money i spent better elsewhere,, like complete Hans Henze.
I am happy with my ohhh, 250-300 cd collection.
about 50 cds are boxed ready to dump cheap.