Have 300b MB want a killer pair of Hi-Eff speakers

Looking to fill a 12'X25' room with a speaker that will do justice down to 38hz. Speakers must work 5+ feet from the back wall. May try to integrate a sub down the road,stand or floor mounted ok. 50's & 60's Jazz and vocals my pref. Gota be able to do the left handed piano keys and acoustic bass. Thank you in advance for your recomends!
It seems we have similar equitment and musical taste. Is your 300b amp SET,parallel SET or push-pull?

Do you have a price range?

Very good choices mentioned so far, I use Coincident speakers and they`re superb They provide beautiful tone, dynamics and are exceptionally open and transparent, just really good with jazz and vocals.

Tonian Labs would be another brand to consider.

They`re lots of good high effictency/easy load speakers these days.

It depends on the amp how much power it is and its ability to output power into the load, many years ago I had a VAC Ren 70 with Watt Puppies and the amp drove the stuffings out of the WP!