Does your CD player not play all the way to the end of the album?

I have an older CD player that is considered one of the best, but can't get all the way through "Waiting for Columbus" and a newer Marantz ND8006 that won't make it through " The Heart of Chicago,1967-1998 Volume II". They get down to the last 3-4 minutes and either just stop, or just start skipping. And it happens with other albums also.  Has anyone else experienced this, and if so is it fixable?
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Tanks solx2, I needed that......
Yes, elizabeth7, they are longer cds. The odd thing is I have an older Samsung Blu Ray player that doesn't have any problems with them at all.
@peporter -- The laser assembly that reads the CD data usually slides back and forth on a rail system, powered by a small motor. It could be that the lubrication of the rails has dried up or become dirty and is sticking at the point where laser has trouble reading the CD. Might be worth taking the lid off the player and seeing if it is something as simple as that. 

Otherwise, laser assemblies do deteriorate and fail with age, or can go out of alignment. Those would need professional service to fix.