Subwoofer Suggestion

Hi guys I need your suggestion regarding subwoofers. My system is composed of Focal Kanta 3, Kanta center, 706BK it would be used 50/50 for music and HT. My room size would be 13m by 4m by 3(Length,width,height). Would it be better to go for dual pb1000/sb1000 or single sb3000 or single pb2000 or single PSA S1500?
To put it simply, using more than one sub helps cancel out peaks and nulls.  With one subwoofer, you may have spots where there is too much bass, and not enough in others.  Four small ones would be much better than one big one.  Do a search here for "swarm", lots of discussion and information available. 

Not to mention, you have a pretty large room.
Four small subwoofers instead of one big one.So just using a subwoofer is out now you need multiple subwoofers.REALLY. How about one big one like 18 inches and then a small one in every  corner. Bingo.No wait I have a 11.1 system....speakers everywhere.....Remember less is more.