I outsourced the creation of Convolution files to AccousticSound.ca.
https://audiophilestyle.com/ca/bits-and-bytes/what-is-accurate-sound-r923/They gave me instructions on creating the room measurements using REW (free) and the miniDSP UMIK-1 ($100). The cost of the service was $500 for the file creation work and $200 for a one time usage of Audiolense (or Accurate). I went with these guys because of the complexity of learning and properly using Audiolense (or Accurate). They do that work not me.
This is my office system.
https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/7605A big Thiel CS3.7 speaker in a small acoustically treated room. The system was sounding pretty good but I was getting fatigue during some listening sessions. I would sometimes doze off. Not ear fatigue but just fatigue from a bigish speaker in a small room.
Now after the convolution files was added to my ROON server the improvement in the sound is stunning. I would say today I have my system at a 10/10 and prior to the convolution files it now feels like a 5/10.
So far, I only have 1 convolution file created and it sounds amazing, I have paid for 5 more so I am trying to figure out what I would like changed for a new file. Rather difficult to complain about anything. There are some industry standard curves, like Harmen, that I will likely get created for me. I just plug whatever convolution file I want to use into the ROON DSP engine.
Another amazing reason for me to have a lifetime subscription to ROON (since 2015).