Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?

They’re some pricey cables that have claim to fame because of the high tech geometry used in their cables.
Many of these cables have patents on specific geometry patterns used in their cables and use this as a reason their cables sound so good. For that reason, many say the reason their cables cost so much is they’re so complex . The man hours to make a pr results in their high price. That maybe true for some cables, but I’ve seen very pricey cables using the same geometry reason that look like a thin piece of wire rapped in outer jacket no thicker than a pencil. So,Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?
So many, with the same agenda, all try to make a sale.
Here we go revealing the truth.
You must be one of kind. 
Its long since I've seen so many with no shame. 

5,893 posts
07-31-2020 12:21am
"Prostitution has an immense value. For both providers (they get paid for it, it is a job), and the clients (they get something very satisfying in return for their money)."

Finally, a simple way for a man to explain it to his daughter.
Truth hurts. Often times. Still truth though.

BTW, I don't have a daughter, so I cannot possibly know

349 posts
07-31-2020 4:14am
So many, with the same agenda, all try to make a sale.
Here we go revealing the truth.
You must be one of kind.
Its long since I've seen so many with no shame.

Yeah!! We are all here selling cables right and left. Everybody is a cable peddler  LOL!!!