Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?

Believe our addictive hobby is primarily male dominated. The technical aspects seem to appeal more to men. Or is that in and of itself sexist. There are now a few knowledgeable and astute women reviewers. I am always intrigued by the comments off the few women who identify themselves by name on the Forum. One in particular is quite long winded. I'm sure this has nothing to do with her sex. Although he/she has a name which could be male or female. I always love it when my wife comes to look at the record sleeve of the vinyl playing and rely on her opinion of the fidelity. Not to mention desire and count on her approval of new purchases. But is she also addicted? I don't think so. Does that have anything to do with being a woman. I don't think so. Does she care about the fine nuances? She says not. I would love to hear from women and anyone on this. WAF? I care a lot what things look like. HAF?


I live in a 100 year old Craftsman bungalow and run a pair of Linkwitz Orion loudspeakers. As this is a hi-end DIY system, and I’m not the world’s best cabinet maker, I hired a local pro to make mine up in a Mission style, to go with the house, instead of the more Danish Modern look of the original. The difference in sound is minimal. Few audiophile visitors leave without envy. And the system looks great.

Bravo, nicely done sir. As a residential/architectural designer, you have done a wonderful job incorporating not only the speakers, but also the ‘rack’ into the style of your home. Looks great, well done.

WAF is a very important concept to me. 

It's my excuse when I cannot afford the upgrade I really want.


Your interpretation of my posts is surprizing...

At least you read...But reading secondary philosophers is of no help...

My understanding of Political Economy is like my understanding of Audio , unorthodox, and not in Gramsci nor in Milton Friedman....

Read Goethe second Faust....It will be a beginning in economy... Goethe was many thing, except stupid....
Read his modern economic commentator: Hans Christoph Binswanger,
"According to Binswanger, Goethe forecast the potential of the modern economy to create value ex nihilo."

In economy like in audio, we must for the sake of reality create adequate ideas, if not, we are corpses agitating in the river waves going to no sea.... The idea of money need some renewing brain effort nowadays....And some other concept in economy....And it is not in Gramsci nor in Ayn Rand...

This forum is not the place for this debate about politics tough... Sorry....

A WAF can decide whether you should have this system or not.  Whether WAF is a sexist concept plays so little in the scheme of things, more important consideration is whether the Audio items or items are WAF friendly...