Strange Klipsch thing

I stopped by a local shop this afternoon because the guy had recently set up a two channel room. At the moment he's carrying Cary amps - which I use at home - and Klipsch speakers. He had an SLI-80 integrated run through the big Klipschorn speakers placed in the corners. What I heard was an enormously wide soundstage with exceptional image height, BUT, the whole thing sounded like it was being projected onto a perfectly flat wall. Not so much as a shred of stage depth. Is this fairly common with Klipsch speakers? It really seemed like an odd effect. Not my cup of tea at all.
"Depth" is engineered into recordings. Stereo is not sinply two channels as most already know. Without some degree of reverb voices sound dry and without dimension. Engineers "build soundstage".
On the other hand, sound "lives" in space, An anechoic chamber would make a sad listening room.
Grimace. I would suggest reading up on the subject of room placement without the help of a forum. You will only be disappointed and it will cost you a ton of money. Read articles on the subject from professionals and not audiophiles. Most professionals on these subjects are also music lovers who listen to live music. Notice you NEVER hear an audiophile talk about going out and listening to live music? It's because they don't do it. They spend their lives and money on poor reproduction of music.