Is my Reel to Reel worth anything?

I have a AKAI X-330D Reel to Reel and don't know much about them are they collectable?


I have a Technics RS 1500 that I wouldn't part with. Right now I'm waiting on new parts.

My first reel to reel was an AKAI, I don't remember the model number, but I know it wasn't top of the line. I had trouble getting parts. If you can't get parts and have it repaired, no reel is worth having, but if you can, welcome to ultimate audio.

I looked at Shark and the only decks that caught a bid were a semi pro B77 half-track and a duallly capstan Technics 1500. You'd be lucky to find a buyer for $150. Akai was a cheap consumer brand.
Keep it and enjoy.
There's couple on sales on Ebay Netherlands and UK, ballpark 400. Trouble with those is the tapes. They are exceedingly hard to find and expensive nowadays. Still it's great piece of gear to own !