Talon Falcon C; Bueller... anyone??

Hi. I have always loved the sound of the, sadly nascent, Talon Audio loudspeakers. I have always wanted a pair, but most of their models are simply too large for my smallish listening room.
The Falcons, however, are large stand mounts.
Does anyone know anything about this obscure model? There is virtually nothing online. I have a Pass 30 watt Class A amp. I currently use Wilson Benesch Trinity with an REL BRITTANIA sub. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Where are you at? I have Falcon C speakers hooked up. I'm in the Central Florida area.
BTW: As long as your Talons have up to spec crossovers, they should sound incredible and compete way beyond their price point. At a used price point, I think it's a no-brainer to at least try a set.
You could always try to find a pair of Escalante speakers?  They went out of business too, but were newer than Talon.  Similar designs.  Designed by old Talon designer.  I would move on though....so many speakers better than Talon.  I had two pairs 20yrs ago, and dont miss them at all.  
I owned Talon Khite monitors for quite a while and liked them a lot. They were a little dark sounding and with a definite character, but otherwise very musical, and a bargain for what I paid used, around $600 without stands if memory serves me.