It's quite interesting on error in relation to arm length.
Simple math states that from a pivot point of A to a fixed point of B that the greater the length between A and B is then the greater the measured error will be at point B from a change at point A.
For example we install positioning lasers about 12 to 18 feet from a target so the laser is point A the target is point B.
At 12 feet for point B if I have an error of say 1/4" this grows to say 3/8" at 18 ft target distance or new point B.
However it really does not seem to be borne out in practice with tonearms.
Most interesting indeed.
Simple math states that from a pivot point of A to a fixed point of B that the greater the length between A and B is then the greater the measured error will be at point B from a change at point A.
For example we install positioning lasers about 12 to 18 feet from a target so the laser is point A the target is point B.
At 12 feet for point B if I have an error of say 1/4" this grows to say 3/8" at 18 ft target distance or new point B.
However it really does not seem to be borne out in practice with tonearms.
Most interesting indeed.