What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
It's absurd to think that sorbothane would "soften" the sound of a component...the complicated innards of components simply don't work that way.
And not only that, but using only sorbothane will give less interesting results than using it in a sandwiches with other kind of materials(bamboo, granite,cork, quartz) to couple/ decouple some frequencies...It is a partial solution not a perfect one but work for me with all my gear on the same desk....No sensible vibrations at all under my fingers at any volume or frequencies sound playing.... For sure my fingers can be very crude and is not a seismometer but that gives a gross estimate of at least a minimal efficiency....

I will improve all that with springs for a better external vibrations isolation and quartz sand bed for a better controls of resonance in the near future....

But i will stick to homemade solutions with low cost materials.... I refuse to pay thousand of bucks for some device.... It is always possible in my experience to retro engineered some basic idea....It is also more rewarding and more fun...

Anyway i dont have this money, except by divorcing right now....  :)

@t_ramey It’s been over a year since I’ve moved or inserted any but I think I recall them working pretty quick but also think there is a couple hours for the ‘draining’ to happen.?? Not a big difference but I think there was some settling or moving out of vibrations. 
I'd like to remove the Herbies and try the EVP's under my preamp. Did you find they were more effective on heavy components? My Audio Note is only about 20 lbs. 
I tried Myrtle wood blocks and there was a major improvement over Herbies, faster attack, open soundstage, but the highs became harsh. Looking for an inexpensive tweak.

@lowrider57 the EVP’s are interesting with a powerful change in sound. I tried them under everything but as mentioned only liked them under my power filter and under an AppleTV (for some certain casual listening). They seemed to show me that a lot of gear is designed/voiced with some vibrations happening. Because with them under most of my gear, the highs freqs, presence and energy to the sound went down. I have Harbeth 40.2’s so I can’t really have anything that deadens the sound and achieve the balance I’m after.
 Maybe if one has a bright or overly energetic sound they would work well. They really do completely eliminate something. But of course YMMV.