squeak_king_77 If a multimeter was used to test resistance of the fuse, and if a first reading was noted with the test leads in one position, and then if the test leads were swapped to the opposite fuse ends and that reading noted...if the readings were different would that indicate directionality?squeak no, not in the slightest. If it did it would be called a diode.
AC fuses have no directionality period, because AC mains is just that, "alternating current", it alternates 60 x a second (60hz) in the US, 50 here in Au (50hz) So for a fuse to claim to have direction, it would be a diode and then it’s trying to rectify the AC mains into DC.
Any fuser that say other wise is just spruiking for the fuse company they are shilling for to make them rich, as the markup on these voodoo fuses is over 500 x the cost of the fuse before re-badging.
Fuse aging from too many turn on cycles "can" deteriorate a fuse, then it’s just a matter of replacing it with the same $1 one, and these mega dollar boutique fuses will also deteriorate at the same rate as the $1 ones.
As you can see the aging process, left to right on the fast blo one, and right to left on the slow blo one.
Cheers George