What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA

I have no clue of the chemical or mfg processing properties of a puck.  
All I can comment on is that I'd tried several other footers in the past. 
Someone here on this forum recommended pucks to me. 
I tried them and liked them.  I sold my previous audiophile footers.
OP, suggest you research the following:

Barry Diament 
Ingress Engineering 
Machina Dynamica

For a diy solution read Barry Diament, buy Ingress cup/rollers combine with a slate or granite platform and a spring like Machina Dynamica or inner tube.

Other makes are ready made solutions that work.

Avoid rubber.

The vulcanized rubber hockey pucks are way harder than typical rubber footers.  Anyone else have a clue as to their damping abilities vs. other typical options discussed here? 
I would be interested in trying them under my 70-pound amplifiers, which sit on SRA platforms.  The SRA guys said it doesn't matter which footers I use when using their platforms while the amp designer strongly suggested Stillpoints so the amps are currently on Stillpoint footers over SRA platforms.  I have no sonic issues but it seems I could use the Stillpoints under some of my more sensitive front-end gear if their use under the amplifiers is redundent.
The Machina Dynamica springs mentioned above are also interesting to me and while elegant from an engineering perspective, not so much visually.  I believe these are valve springs for small engines.  The trick is finding the right spring for the weight being supported.
I have tried hockey pucks before, and the footers I recommended ( also from Amazon ) are, imo, superior......in place of the feet that come with the amplifiers, not in conjunction with them. BTW, for naysayers of isolation feet, isolation can happen inside the amplifier as well. If possible, isolate the power transformer, whether it be an IEC type or Toroid, from the chassis, using a product such as cork, a layer or two of Dynamat, rubber grommets, whatever, and it changes the sound, again, imo, for the better. The HK Citation 12, 16 and 19 power amplifiers all had rubber grommets of sorts, isolating the transformers from the chassis. So many other designs did not. Tube amp designers do not do this ( power and output transformers ), as it is beneficial, with sq, ime. Doing this, cleans things up a bit, an improvement, greater than a fuse change, imo ( and I believe in fuses ). Just saying. Be well, all.
Thanks for your insight....Interesting....My best Mrdecibel...

 I have order 3 sets of your footers.... Ridiculous price.... :)

I will try them when i will recreate my audio system....