Need preamp recommendation

Hi everyone :)

I am in the market for a 2-ch preamp to go with my power amp, and am looking for some recomendations. Will prob go used, as I think I can get more value for my money. I would like to limit the sale price @ $4k.

Do I want this?:

Maybe something else?

Thanks in advance.

Would help greatly if you’d share what aspects of sound reproduction are most important and attractive to you and what specifically you’d like to improve upon, otherwise you’re just going to get a wide range of personal favorites that may or may not match with your own sonic tastes and priorities.
I traded in my LTA preamp for Pass XP-20 and haven’t looked back. The Pass has much better body, spatial separation, and detail with significantly lower self-noise IMHO.
Get a loaded Sachs preamp for under $3k. One of the great deals in audio. 
I second the Pass XP 20.  Use the best interconnect and power cable  you can afford