Looking for tonearm inspiration

I just bought a used SME 20/12 turntable that is about 15 years old.  I also had a used 

Dynavector DRT XV-1s rebuilt/are tipped.  Odd as it may seem, there was no tonearm with the turntable.  I have yet to identify what the phono stage, but listening so far suggest a Sutherland Loco (still open to alternatives).  There must be many out there that have had experience with the SME 20/12 turntable and perhaps a few that have had experience with the SME/Dynavector combination.  Can you suggest a tonearm that had some magic for you with either bit of gear?  Wide range of music: Rock, Jazz, Female Vocal and a bit of Opera from time to time.

@mijostyn : "  Plus I'm hoping to get a deal on one of his amps some day: "

a BS of design.

Dear @rpeluso : These are the correct alignments parameters you need to make to set up the 308/cartridge ( either: Löfgren A or B. ):


Forgeret about the mounting parameters SAEC has, is the worst alignment for any cartridge.
So you need to mount the 308 as it was the first time but with either of those parameters in that link.

Rauliruegas, what exactly does, "a BS of design." mean? I think there is a slight language barrier here. 
The Modern SAEC 4700 is a static balance arm whose vertical bearing is above the plane of the record. It has an archaic dangling weight for an anti skate devise and it weights a ton not to mention it costs 13 large.
There are tonearms at 1/2 the price that are superior in all ways.
The SME V is far superior as are the Origin Live Enterprise and the Triplanar not to mention any Schroder or Reed tonearm. For anti skating the SME uses a spring. The Triplanar and Origin Live arms use a lever and the Schroder and Reed arms use a magnetic system. The best arms are neutral balance and have their vertical bearing in the plane of the record. The Kuzma 4 point arms are also excellent arms. Much superior to his earlier efforts. A neutral balance arm will exert the same VTF over warps and different thicknesses of records. A Static balance are will not.
As you raise the record surface a static balance arm increases it's VTF as it tries to return to it's balance equilibrium point.
I have to say you that I owned the two SAEC top models in its catalogue: 506 and the 8000.
