Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
System dependent so try before you commit!  Start low and move up slowly till desired result achieved.
Start low and move up slowly till desired result achieved.
Cost has ZERO correlation to sonic quality as RESULTS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE REST OF THE SYSTEM!

Why bother with tiny batteries attached to tiny cables when you can just get battery cables instead?
Hilarious how all of you ignored the only gold nugget in this thread posted by  elliottbnewcombjr

I chose to believe in the concept of small diameter, individually insulated multi-strand, to minimize the 'Skin' effect of single or twisted strands of non-insulated small diameter strands. (Cat 5 like, what I use)


" Skin effect in audio cables is the tendency for high frequency signals to travel more on the surface than in the center of the conductor, as if the conductor were a hollow metal pipe.[3] This tendency, caused by self-inductance, makes the cable more resistant at higher frequencies, diminishing its ability to transmit high frequencies with as much power as low frequencies. As cable conductors increase in diameter they have less overall resistance but increased skin effect."
That's right!  Cat 5 or 6 is as good as money can buy!

But, it's easier to be fooled than believe you've been fooled (and robbed blind).