Two words: Marginal power supply. Compare a Superamp of its era, such as a 125 wpc Marantz, or a 125 wpc Audire or 200 wpc Brystom amp and you will hear.
Taking up space inside the Marantz is a pretty decent amp. for what it is, but it also has a tuner and dial, a preamp, all kinds of switch gear, etc. Inside the Bryston are two 375 watt transformers and 8 4,000 mf filter caps, plus 8 output transistors with heat sinks. The Audire has 2 500 watt transformers, 8 26,000 mf filter caps, and 12 outputs. All newer Audire amps have many more outputs. The sound is what you would expect, as is the actual power available. Running 4 B&W's through these three, the first thing you notice is how much bass the Marantz loses at higher volumes, followed by the Bryston and the Audire. The Audire is rated at 125/250/ 400 wpc at 8/4/2 ohms respectively, the Bryston about 300 at 4 ohms, and is not designed to run at 2 ohms. The Marantz just a wee bit more than 125 at 4 ohms, and shows it when pushed.
Why do you think a 125watt x 5 A/V receiver
(even Marantz)
cannot pus a single set of speakers and a non-powered sub?
Weight can matter. more stuff weights more, especially with big heat sinks. Interestingly, my recently refurbished (At Bryston!) Bryston preamp runs hotter than my Audire amps did at full tilt pushing 4 inefficient. speakers.