I have a krell amp that claims that spec but it can’t technically do itWhat a lot are doing is to underquote the 8ohm wattage to make the 4ohm look like it doubled.
You see it all the time now in the Stereophile spec bench tests, where the manufacturer says it’s 150w into 8ohms and 300w into 4ohms the gullible see this as doubling. Then Stereophile show the 8ohm is actually is 200w measured and the 4ohm remains still as 300w, nowhere near doubling then. It’s not illegal, but also not honest either.
I’ve been asking Stereophile to "call them out on it" now for ages in the measurements section, but at least they measure and show it for the reader to make up his own conclusions about it. Suppose they have to be careful where there advertising dollars are coming from, and not to rock the boat too much.
Cheers George