I love the Avalon Isis speakers, and sonically, they are top notch, (but to be honest, I truly doubt you'll ever find them for $25K used - $35K used is the normal price range.) They are rather tall though, so your requirement for a smaller speaker might not be as fulfilled with that speaker. (Their footprint is not too large though.)
If I might make a recommendation, and that is to audition the Rockport line of speakers. They are really top notch, both sonically, (as that is the most important aspect), but also aesthetically.
If you could find a pair of used Antares, I think you would be more than happy. They are not very tall, and while the footprint is somewhat large, it is not huge by any means. (They are heavy though, at about 400 pounds each.) Used they probably go for between $25-30K. They are very accurate, but not analytical in the least. They are very musical, but do not have a hint of mid-range bloom. The bass is there when you want it, but there is no bass boominess at all. And the treble is outstanding, as it is very refined and well extended.
(In case you're wondering, No, I don't own them, (a friend does), but I certainly do wish I did!!)
My two cents worth.
If I might make a recommendation, and that is to audition the Rockport line of speakers. They are really top notch, both sonically, (as that is the most important aspect), but also aesthetically.
If you could find a pair of used Antares, I think you would be more than happy. They are not very tall, and while the footprint is somewhat large, it is not huge by any means. (They are heavy though, at about 400 pounds each.) Used they probably go for between $25-30K. They are very accurate, but not analytical in the least. They are very musical, but do not have a hint of mid-range bloom. The bass is there when you want it, but there is no bass boominess at all. And the treble is outstanding, as it is very refined and well extended.
(In case you're wondering, No, I don't own them, (a friend does), but I certainly do wish I did!!)
My two cents worth.