Cary 306 SACD

Has anyone heard this latest cd player from Cary yet? How does it compare to the 303/300? Thanks
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Hi, I've had the 306 SACD for a couple weeks now and have not experienced this problem. My rack is fairly well ventilated, but I doubt that would really be a culprit. Is your player hot to the touch? Mine runs luke warm.

As for music making, it is in another league from the Cary 303-300 and the 306-200. Red book CD playback is amazing and SACD blows my socks off.

The sounds is liquid, with the swell and flow of live music. The bass end is sub-terranean and the high frequencies are smooth and extended. Really incredible to hear this level of performance.

The sound stage has opened up with break-in. It is as high, wide and deep as my analog playback.

All the audiophile attributes aside, it is a joy to listen to the 306-SACD.
When I tested the 306-200 it would not read the RW disc that I had brought with me. Does the 306 SACD read Rw discs?
Thanks for your answer.
Mine is about luke warm as well.
It just cannot read discs when I switch various disc formats sometimes and locks up with Cary SACD 306 on the display. Also takes about 10-15 secs to recognise when it does pick up the formats. so then I have to unplug or switch on and off, is this usual?

Maybe I just pass it back to the dealer to check?

My 306 SACD does read and play CD-RW just fine, just tried it last night.

My player will consistently switch between SACD and CD, detect the new format and play it. It takes several seconds (about 5) to read the disc, decode the format and then be ready to play (display CD or SACD). You can hear some switching clicks in the player.

I've had flawless operation, you should too.
yes this player is for real....just bought one.i prefer its sacd playback to my rega p/ruby 3 analog setup.