Tin Foil Hat Audio

As I read the discussions about questionable tweaks I often have to remind myself that just because I can’t hear it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no instrument capable of objectively quantifying a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no generally accepted physical mechanism to account for a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

I think I owe an apology to psychics, mediums, and witches among others. Maybe they also perceive things I just can’t. 

Is it shiny side in or out when making a tin foil hat? How many layers? 
Zm, the placebo effect is usually around 50%. Some of It is coincidental.
About 80% of everything I see in the office on a daily basis is going to get better whether I do anything or not. 

I do believe expectation bias is real.  As far as wizardry is concerned, every time I have made a solid improvement in my system there was a darn good reason why.  Some of the reasons perpetrated by marketing are laughable.

What I object to is companies that intentionally play on our gullibility to make money.  This is unfortunately very common. 

Mijostyn, I think of placebo and subject-expectancy effect as essentially the same thing, or at least closely related, but that may have not been the main thrust of your point and I agree with you about expectancy bias.

The only thing I would add about your observation that some placebo effect is coincidence and that most issues would self-resolve with conservative (or no) treatment is that simply coming into the office at all is probably enough to trigger the effect for some people.  

I would like to think of myself as not very gullible, and if companies want to play to my expectation bias with overhyped marketing, well, that doesn’t particularly bother me.  Hell, it may even work, in which case they make money and I am stupidly happy for no empirically valid reason, which strikes me as not a bad outcome for either party.

I find two layers of foil,with one thin coat of JB weld to work best. I am not at liberty to disclose the orientation of foil,or thickness of JB weld. 
If the tweak doesn’t cost a fortune and doesn’t damage any equipment, who cares? Have fun and no need to write essays on it