Mr. djones51
You state:
"Not to mention that I am suspicious about the idea of finishing a thick cable with a thin cable and then pretending it is all thick cable."
But it is no problem for you, that all the cable length is " a thin cable"?
I do not understand that logic!
That thin cable, has more functions, than fit a #0 awg into a standard banana plug or spade.
It provides a strain relief, As an #8 awg is way more flexible than a #0 awg.
It also solves the weight issue you were concerned off.
The cable is made well’ so it is very strong and it holds well it’s own weight. No problem with that. I have cables made years ago, still holds as new.
As the "thin cable" is very short (4" or less) it’s relative resistance vs. the rest of the 6-10 feet, is negligible. Just for your concern. There are more small resistors when you do the sum: the banana ends, the solderings on ends etc'.