Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
What's the deal with this goofball and car battery cables for speaker wire. 
My amplifier DF is >10000
My wire distance is 4000 feet. What guage do you reccomend,  777MCM ?
Something to be said for consistency and conviction.
Certainly no farther out there than having metal buckets, crystals, and rocks all over one’s listening room, or spending more on cables than on one’s electronics and speakers.  Sort of like gravity, this hobby seems to indiscriminately attract all who fall within its orbit.
"My wire distance is 4000 feet. What guage do you reccomend, 777MCM ?"
Any longer and you will need a shortwave.
Mr. djones51

I don't like your jokes:

"My amplifier DF is >10000
My wire distance is 4000 feet."

Is that comes with an IQ of a single digit?
Mr. djones51

You state:

"Not to mention that I am suspicious about the idea of finishing a thick cable with a thin cable and then pretending it is all thick cable."

But it is no problem for you, that all the cable length is " a thin cable"?
I do not understand that logic!

That thin cable, has more functions, than fit a #0 awg into a standard banana plug or spade.
It provides a strain relief, As an #8 awg is way more flexible than a #0 awg.
It also solves the weight issue you were concerned off.
The cable is made well’ so it is very strong and it holds well it’s own weight. No problem with that. I have cables made years ago, still holds as new.

As the "thin cable" is very short (4" or less) it’s relative resistance vs. the rest of the 6-10 feet, is negligible. Just for your concern. There are more small resistors when you do the sum: the banana ends, the solderings on ends etc'.