Why is it Scandinavian countries whose religious baloney started declining decades ago are some of the least corrupt ?
I’d say it’s probably due to their homogenous, mostly rural populations. Kind of like Idaho and Montana in the US.
Why the truth is not in them ??
So there's an imaginary world that used to have more integrity and accountability? Supposedly where and when was that? Also, "How do you explain that as the acceptance of religious baloney declines in our societies, integrity and personal accountability also declines?" Easy...that statement isn't actually true. |
Everything is in flux. Europe is changing fast under conditions of dissolving hegemony, and even Scandinavian countries are no longer exempt. Civilization needs a belief system, a set of morals and a code to live by. If religion no longer provides that, then what else is there? A slow inevitable stumbling return to war? Mistrust of aristocracy, politicians, the financial sector, and global elite corporations and their intentions is probably at an all time high. As is the world debt. https://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html Ditto the Doomsday Clock. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_Clock Something needs to be done - and soon. But just what? |
So there's an imaginary world that used to have more integrity and accountability? Supposedly where and when was that?I'm not saying everyone who believes this agrees but most people I've encountered whose notion of that imaginary world looks like Father Knows Best meets Leave it to Beaver. It also helps that they don’t have guns. While that's true I was speaking of personal and institutional corruption( integrity and accountability) not violence. |