Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way
Rauna from Norway or Sweden made transmission line speakers made from Concrete about 40 years ago, they did sound pretty good for their time. Danish Advance Loudspeakers also made concrete enclosures back then. Both companies used a fiber filled concrete and  the walls were about 2" thick,  so very little "ringing". I'ts all in the implementation. The biggest issue both had was the the alkaline that constantly seep out of the concrete would cause any finish applied to them to peel off. I think this was the main reason they quit doing it.

Good Listening

Has anyone heard these?  I would find opinions intriguing.  I moved my system from our main room which has polished concrete floors into another area where I put down an engineered product over the concrete with immediate improvement in sound quality.  Just trying to think about how to abstract one into another.  Not sure.  I suspect the book shelf on stands vs the floor standers vs the wall mounts would all sound completely different given the contact points but uncertain.  Very interesting concept. 
"...the alkaline that constantly seep out of the concrete would cause any finish applied to them to peel off."

Having "any finish" on them is blasphemy. We, the purists, would want them in "natural concrete".