Religion is useful in providing etiological myths and social regulation.Religions are one modality of the human experience through what Cassirer called the "symbolic forms"...
Science is only another " symbolic forms"...
The totality of knowledge and of all human experience cannot even be reduced to these only 2 forms...
Any civilization is embedded in the history of all human consciousness and is a unique expression and balance between all these symbolic forms...
Symbolic forms are basically complex polarities reflecting the constitution and creation and the workings of man....Language is the focus center of the symbolic forms... The 2 most extreme polarities of the symbolic forms are the whirlwind center of language in his prosaic and poetic mode....
History of language is also history of consciousness....
Cassirer was also a disciple of Goethe....Goethe is one of the rare exemple of an accomplished scientist and poet at the same time.... A feat very rare in modern era....The depth of is thinking is so much that even today only few understand him truly....
The basic polarities in audio experience and reproduction of sound are "generic" electrical design, and "individualized" acoustical location and experience....My 3 embeddings experiments of the generic electronic design let me to think that this individualization of location and experience are the most basic element of audio, not electronical design "per se" only....