Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?

I was thinking about something as I was typing about how I've observed a magazine behave, and it occurred to me that I have a personal bias not everyone may agree to.  Here's what I think:
"To call a speaker a reference product it should at the very least be objectively neutral."

However, as that magazine points out, many great speakers are idiosyncratic ideas about what music should sound like in the home, regardless of being tonally neutral.

Do you agree?  If a speaker is a "reference" product, do you expect it to be neutral, or do you think it has to perform exceptionally well, but not necessarily this way?

Hmmm...probably 2 of the words that have spawned more posts, prose, positions, posturing, and downright donneybrooks imho in the relatively short time I've skulted about 'here'.  That is, IF we ignore IC's, speaker cables, equipment choices/pairings, listening spaces and their acoutrements, and whatever else one applauds or takes issue on....

Which just shows to go you that the likelyhood of coming to anything resembling a universally satisfactory acknowledgement of an 'average agreement' will rank with genus homo finally becoming 'wise' as opposed to merely 'smart'....which generally falls short, anyway....

(The 'Second Coming' will likely occur within moments...and will likely be 'self inflicted', because we tend towards 'self fullfilling prophecies'.  We dislike being disappointed.....)

Since this can of worms has been dumped out for yet another rant 'n rave fest for some to enjoy, others to steam over, some to run from, and whatever boats ones' floats in whatever fashion...

REFERENCE = The 'speaker du jour' that excites the senses of the 'cognoscenti'; size, price, feeding requirements be damned.

NEUTRAL = An unattainable laboratory radiator.  Absolutely 'guage block' FLAT, 1 hz>ultrasonic, 1dB>comet impact.  The 'point source' that's Perfect in every way.  Proven by any means and methodlogy concievable, in every combination.

We will never hear nor achieve it.  Get over it.

We're organic beings with a limited lifespan, flawed from Day One.

Likely unable to recognize Perfection even if it announced itself, however subtle or extreme....

I just 'do' what amuses me; likely, y'all do something similar. *s*

At this point....I'm just going 'radio silence', and watch the splatter patterns on the virtual walls....

Have @ it... ;)

Cheers 'n jeers, J

@kennyc....*L*  And that's about as 'neutral' as they get. ;)

Oh, as for 'natural' sounding speakers....

Which is more 'natural';  the songbird in the backyard tree, or a recording of said bird?  This shouldn't be a hard one to answer....
It is always good to remember, or understand, that objectivity arose out of an attempt to emotionally separate from a purely subjective framework context of all possible representations of reality.

That objectivity exists it 'is' via a purely subjective framework, that objectivity is a subset position of subjectivity.

Where objectivity is a lower or more advanced from of this mental position that all reality is subjective, well... I leave it up to you.

The bigger point is, that objectivity does not exist, that it is a conceptual and mental game, a tool, a viewpoint position only... in an entirely subjective existence. Objectivity, if properly weighted, is a logic tool, the same logic that explains to you that reality is inescapably subjective.

the next domino to fall, might be that: Thought process --- is all you've got. Whatever the heck a you is.

No one really knows what any of it is. People who don't practice a fully extended mental discipline might think they've got their 'hands' on something in this whole objectivity game...but really,