Reigniting an old passion (which only took me as far as buying a mid-fi stereo) and pressing it into high gear, I’ve had a busy 2020:
- I’ve put together a system: speakers, amplifiers (tube), DAC, CD transport, cables, power elements. Every element was researched and discussed with many people. (Thanks!)
- I’ve experimented with three different high-res sources: Amazon HD, Qobuz, Tidal.
- I joined two forums (Audiogon and Audiocircle), a local club (Colorado Audio Society) and had many private exchanges with hobbyists, dealers, friends.
- I’ve started to learn room acoustics, uses of room correction software, and various possibilities such as absorbers, diffusors, and other room or system tweaks.
- I’ve started looking into issues regarding aural memory, and the psychological effects of thrilling musical experiences ("frisson", as the literature calls it), and the relationship of deep attention upon the appreciation of high quality sound.