Preamp under $2,000.

Looking for a preamp under $2k. Found a great deal on a Rotel RC-1590 open box for $1,199. Anyone with experience with them? 
I have a Musical Fidelity M6 phono stage. My turntable is a Marantz tt-15s1 with a Sumiko Blackbird mc cartridge. I really like the phono setup I have.

Great. Keep it, as the CJ PFR doesn't have one. The rest of the PFR is a Premiere level component, solid state (JFETs), always powered on and has a remote.

Oh, plus it looks beautiful.
I had 2 older Rotel RC 1070s one of them developed some kind of difficulty and I cant remember what but somebody still took it off my hands.  The other one I sold to a friend and its still going strong.  Super bang for buck combination of RC1070 and Rb951. 

have a Musical Fidelity M6 phono stage
Then you could look at a Rogue RP-1 even though it still has a phono stage. Then use the extra cash to fit some nice matched tubes.  I saw a couple on USAudiomart but they gets snapped up fast as they are also buck bang items.

Does anyone know anything about the Musical Fidelity M6 PRE preamp?
I found one for $1,500. I have an M6 phono preamp that is fantastic. It seems to get good reviews.
Now looking over $2K a little. Found an AR LS17SE. I am between it and A Rogue RP5. The AR is older but in good shape. Both tube. Does one stand above the other??