Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...

Are the new Kii Audio Three BXT Pro Speakers the best money can buy ?
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Give me a break, guys! Everything can be improved. It depends on where you want to get off the merry go round. And how competitive you’re trying to be. It’s like the early settlers. A lot got tired of traveling in covered wagons and Indians and decided to stop in the Midwest. Or not travel at all. 

You must not have heard of the Hierarchy of Sound. A modest, low cost system can be Tweaked to sound better than a moderately expensive untweaked system. And a moderately expensive system can be tweaked to sound better than a very expensive untweaked system. And a tweaked expensive system can be out of this world. You could say It’s the law of the jungle.
Oops, I dropped off the thread participation and see that Fleshler wanted a thought about the different design of the VS vs the Legacy. 

If I recall correctly, the Focus has two 12" bass drivers per side. Having handled a lot of speakers, including the VS VR IV Mk2, I do not think that typically a speaker (VonSchweikert or alternative) having twin 8" woofers will have nearly the frequency extension or output as one having a pair of 12" drivers. 

I'm sure there could be all sorts of objections from persons who argue the cabinet, build, crossovers, etc. can make the 8" drivers do wonders. In my experience, not typically. The character of the twin 12" would be fundamentally different than the 8". So, my answer to your question, would it have the "effortless and scale" of the Focus? No, it would not. Whether the speaker is more pleasing to someone is an entirely different question, which only in comparison in a system could be answered by the listener.